Hollywood Police Station Witnesses Unhinged ‘Karen’ Meltdown

Apparently you don’t even have to go to a theater to get a live show in Hollywood—just sit at the police station and you’ll be entertained. 

A video that has gone viral on social media depicts a late night screaming fest between an apparently unhinged woman and a black man who caught her attention by filming her meltdown. It happened at the Hollywood Police Station on August 6 at midnight. 

The middle-aged woman, who has not been identified, came to the station to report a crime, the nature of which has not been disclosed. 

All the details are not clear, but apparently the woman was demanding that police in the station shoot homeless people, and a black man who was also present began recording her tirade on his cell phone. Who started the verbal altercation is not clear, but at one point the man filming began to insult her, mocking the shape of her body and telling her she was dressed like “a slob.”

Not to be outdone, the woman retorted that the man should “go back” both to “the jungle” and “to Africa.”

In the midst of this, the woman berates the police staffing the station, seemingly complaining about homeless people and demanding they be dealt with. When a cop tried to respond she shouted over him, saying the police were too afraid to “confront” homeless people on the streets. She then sarcastically asks the cop what his gun was for. Continuing the taunt, she told the officer that he obviously didn’t know how to use his gun which was why he was stationed behind a computer rather than out on the beat. 

A better use of police time, she said, would be to patrol the streets and clean up both the “druggies” and the “homeless black people.” It is not clear whether she would have recommended similar treatment of homeless white people. 

It was then that the black man in the lobby jumped in. He remarked to the police staff how unbelievable he found it that the angry woman wanted homeless people shot by police. Displeased with his participation, the woman invited the black man to mind his own business. 

Eventually the verbal melee ended and the woman filed her complaint and was not charged with anything herself.