According to a new book, 12 years prior to the plane disaster that killed John F. Kennedy Jr. and Carolyn Bessette, Kennedy came dangerously close to killing his first girlfriend.
In her book “Ask Not: The Kennedys and the Women They Destroyed,” Maureen Callahan reveals that John F. Kennedy Jr. often put other people in harm’s way.
Callahan writes that the public knew nothing about the number of near-misses he had in his teens and twenties.
Driving carelessly onto pavements or while high on pot, swimming too far out into the ocean, skiing in white-out conditions– JFK Jr. had a callous disregard for his and other people’s lives.
On a 1986 Jamaican trip, JFK Jr. suggested that his girlfriend join him kayaking in open water without life vests.
It was said that he assured Christina Haag there was nothing to be scared about.
The pair, however, quickly found themselves helpless as strong currents carried them in the direction of a massive boulder. They may have perished if an errant wave hadn’t rescued them by carrying them over the treacherous obstacle just in time.
According to what Callahan says, JFK Jr. “went into a trance” after the accident on a lonely beach. Christina said later that getting that close to dying seemed like a high for him.
John persisted that they would paddle back that night, but she refused to get back in the kayak. A group of local fishermen offered to carry them to the mainland the next morning.
The weather was already bad when they set out, but they quickly found themselves “15ft underwater” on their way back.
Reportedly, Christina still couldn’t put her finger on how they’d managed to stay alive all these years later.
Tragically, John F. Kennedy Jr., Carolyn Bessette Kennedy, and Lauren Bessette were all killed in an airplane crash on July 16, 1999.
Lauren, who was a vice president at Morgan Stanley at the time, was traveling with the son of the late president and her sister Carolyn, a fashion publicist, to Rory Kennedy’s wedding when the plane crashed into the Atlantic.
Kennedy allegedly became lost over Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts while flying in dense fog. The jet went into a downward spiral before crashing into the ocean.