Wall Street Phrase Is Going Viral

According to a report, “Double-clicking” has become a common source of annoyance.

If you’ve never heard this term before, you may assume it has something to do with communicating with a computer program. 

However, this has nothing to do with clicking on a link and everything to do with communicating.  

When negotiating, for instance, one might say:

“Perhaps you could provide more detail on the points you just mentioned, particularly regarding enterprise deals and their duration, the possibility of being replaced, or the progress of new sales. Could you please double-click on that?”

“Double-Clicking” is just an annoying way to ask for more information.

According to a report, you’re more likely to irritate or confuse your coworkers if you try to appear more authoritative by speaking in business jargon.

According to a survey conducted by Slack in January 2022 among 2,000 virtual and hybrid employees in the United States, 63% of professionals in the workforce find it “off-putting” when coworkers use job-related terminology in their interaction, and 78% of respondents said they refrain from speaking or sending out communications to avoid using jargon.

The ambiguity and passive-aggressive undertones of these jargony words make them more off-putting, explains expert vocational and executive coach Dawid Wiacek.

In an interview with CNBC, Wiacek argued that metaphors and other forms of jargon have the potential to marginalize workers who speak a different native language or who have different interests than their coworkers. Sports jargon like “it’s a home run” or “knock it out of the park” may be puzzling to someone who doesn’t follow baseball.

According to the Senior principal of product management at Slack, Jaime DeLanghe, the simplest method for improving team collaboration is often the most effective.
Adjusting our approaches has become an indication of basic workplace respect due to the changes in how we work with one another. Do not hesitate to ask for a different mode of communication or take the lead in ensuring effective correspondence with your peers.