Ex-White House Aide Says Melania Will Influence Trump VP Pick

An ex-official in Trump’s administration has said that former First Lady Melania Trump will undoubtedly have a say in her husband’s choice of running mate for the 2024 presidential race.

The insider, Kate Andersen Brower, who was an adviser to Trump throughout his administration, said that Mrs. Trump would definitely say what she thinks about who she believes would be the best VP for her husband in his bid to regain the White House.  It’s reasonable to expect Melania to be open and frank about the qualifications of potential vice presidents based on her prior actions.

If Melania makes her preference known, it will not be the first time she has impacted her husband’s choice of vice president.

Former Vice President Mike Pence was Trump’s choice for running mate in 2016 and 2020, despite the fact that their relationship is now strained due to the 2020 election outcomes. At the time, Pence had a track record of having no political issues, and Melania was accepting of him, according to Brower.

An article released last week highlighted the bond between the former president and first lady and North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum and his family. However, it is still unknown who Trump would choose as his running mate, which is less than five months away.

Although Mrs. Trump has a history of successful advice, it is not apparent whether she will support Burgum in the former President’s decision-making process.

At the RNC headquarters in Washington, D.C., Trump told the media that he had a very good idea about who would be his VP, but he’s not giving hints.  He is unlikely to make his choice public until the Republican National Convention this summer in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, from July 15 to 18.

At the “People’s Convention” hosted by Turning Point Action on June 16th, a straw poll asking attendees to choose a VP candidate for former President Donald Trump was won by Republican Senator J.D. Vance of Ohio.

Big Data Poll polled 1,986 convention-goers using a straw poll and discovered that 43% supported Vance’s candidacy for vice president under Trump. The other candidates in the straw poll were South Carolina Senator Tim Scott, Florida Senator Marco Rubio, and North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum.