The saying has been quipped for generations that people in the United States generally speak “with their wallets”. Indeed, there may be no more powerful a method of public expression in the modern sense in America’s hyper-consumerist, capitalist society than the action of deciding not to financially support certain corporations, causes, or institutions. In the sad reality of modern American life, political polarization has gripped the nation and affected nearly every aspect of ordinary life; business in every industry, organizations and professional sports teams, leagues, and celebrities at large all have entered the political discourse.
It seems more and more that no matter what, politics are inescapable. In truth, many modern corporations and industries of entertainment in the country are responsible for driving the cold cultural war that the United States has been currently engulfed in for many years. Many organizations have pushed radical progressive and woke ideologies.
As the cultural and fiscal decline of America continues, people are also speaking increasingly with their “feet”; that is, individuals are moving to states that appear to be less politically radical, more conservative, and economically more affordable and less expensive. In the state of California, a mass exodus from the far-left state continues. Boasting some of the most restrictive business and regulatory policies, highest taxes, and most radical leftist educational curriculums in the country the state has become a failing cesspool of progressivism. Many working class families can no longer afford to live in the state, and despite the beautiful weather have fled in droves. In 2023 alone, it is estimated that some 75,000 people have already fled the Golden State. This is now the fourth consecutive year that the state has lost population; the trend has been ongoing since 2019.
A new law in California which targets “hidden fees” like surcharges is likely to upend the restaurant industry. Many businesses rely on these surcharges to provide health benefits to their employees.