The Seattle Police Department (SPD)has revealed that they are closely monitoring the fight between Iran and Israel for some unknown reason.
It confused many people who noted that Seattle police have many more important concerns to deal with right there in their own city.
Some wondered if it was a weird attempt to endear the vilified police to the far-left in Seattle, who are fascinated with what’s going on in the Middle East because of their hatred of Israel.
According to the SPD’s blotter, the SPD is keeping a close eye on the Israeli-Iranian Conflict. To keep Seattleites safe, the Seattle Police Department is monitoring the situation between Iran and Israel and coordinating with other federal and state authorities.
SPD claims it will proactively step up patrols near critical infrastructure and other vulnerable places as a precaution. As a preventative precaution, the SPD’s community liaisons will collaborate with community leaders. The SPD closed by saying there are no well-defined dangers and that keeping the people of Seattle safe is the SPD’s top priority.
Users had plenty to say on social media to the Seattle Police Department.
Some simply asked, “Why?”
Others recommended that SPD clean up downtown Seattle and not worry about foreigners’ problems.
A user said that despite the presence of legions of Fentanyl zombies, the police in Seattle are more concerned with achieving global peace.
Another bluntly asked, “This You?” and posted a picture of homeless drug addicts lying and sitting on top of their belongings and garbage in a fenced-in area above a freeway.
According to an old saying, eliminating symbols of sin and evil is said to be a spiritual act of resistance to their influence. By saying “No,” you are effectively telling those things they can’t live in your house. Perhaps the SPD and Seattle should live by that thought.