Teenage Girl Attacked While Onlookers Do NOTHING

Bystanders at a McDonald’s fight in Southern California recorded the incident on camera rather than break it up, leading to viral recordings of the ensuing assault.

Kassidy Jones told local Los Angeles media that on September 6, she and fellow students grabbed lunch at a fast food joint on the way home from school. The girl, then 13 years old, said an unknown woman approached her and began assaulting her.

The woman screamed- what in the f*** are you all staring at? I fight kids.

According to Kassidy, she does not recognize the suspect shown in footage acquired by the media. The woman dragged Kassidy down to the ground, struck her, and yanked her by the hair.

You can hear the audience erupting in shouts and see them filming the scene on their smartphones. The man who was supposedly with the suspect finally came to help Kassidy.

After Kassidy’s mother contacted the authorities, she hurried her to the emergency room. She was photographed with visible swelling and bruises after the assault.

Kassidy’s mom told the media that she simply did not comprehend how a human being could do this.

A report shows the victim’s mother said the people were watching and were videotaping her being beaten up, but no one attempted to stop it. Not the workers or the customers. You can’t idly watch while someone else is beaten. How do they sleep at night?

CBS Los Angeles reports that once the suspect is apprehended, she will face charges of battery and child abuse.

In 2021, employees at a McDonald’s in the south Los Angeles region went on strike because of the store’s history of violence.

Press reports show the restaurant staff staged a demonstration in the parking lot to draw the public’s attention concerning the violence they’ve experienced at the hands of customers. They also wanted McDonald’s to implement measures to make the workplace safer, such as providing staff with more resources to help them cope with customers who get aggressive.

Employees have previously complained to the Los Angeles Department of Public Health and Cal/OSHA about the prevalence of violence in the workplace.