Woman Threatened To Gut Ex “Like A Deer” Before Arrest In Lover’s Death

The friend of a deceased man said that a lady in Florida had threatened to cut up her ex-boyfriend “like she was gutting a deer” two days before she allegedly murdered him.

An arrest complaint alleges that 33-year-old Brittany Holbrook shot  30-year-old Tyler Nulisch in the back early Saturday morning at their Key West residence. 

Holbrook drank with the lady dating one of Nulisch’s pals two days before. 

The lady informed Jessica Stiegel, a friend of Nulisch’s, that the woman brought up her ex-boyfriend after a few drinks. Stiegel claims the lady told her that she planned to murder him by stabbing him in the stomach and ripping her way up to his throat. 

A drunken Holbrook told Stiegel she was having a nice night before launching into her violent diatribe. 

That, according to Stiegel, is Holbrook’s central issue. She was nice until she started drinking. 

They shared a passionate affection for one another. Their bright future, however, ended on the morning of June 17. Roommate Jordan Kinn heard Holbrook calling for assistance at around 3 a.m. from the couple’s second-floor flat.

In a puddle of his blood, Nulisch lay on the ground. When Kinn questioned what had occurred, he was in the midst of a desperate attempt to stop the bleeding. When asked what happened, Nulisch reportedly said, “That b—— shot me in the back,” before passing out and being reported dead. 

As reported by the investigators, Holbrook first claimed to have a “gap in her memory.” Before turning in for the night, the couple and their roommate had one more drink on the terrace.

Later interviews, however, revealed a shift in her account.

She said that Nulisch had attacked her in the middle of the night, forcing her against a wall and “strangling” her. She said he was attempting to murder her, but she said she hadn’t pulled the trigger.

The Monroe County Sheriff’s Office found no injuries to her neck and inconsistencies in her allegations. She was taken into custody on suspicion of murder.

On Saturday at 6:00 PM, the Keys Seafood Market on Stock Island will host a memorial service for Nulisch.

According to court documents, Holbrook is detained at the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office on a $750,000 bail.