68% Of Young Children Exposed To Lead In Chicago

Since taking office in January of 2021, President Joe Biden has appeared incompetent and weak on both the domestic and international stages of diplomacy. Domestically, the 46th president has approved reckless government spending which brought about levels of inflation not reached in decades, and millions of illegal migrants have crossed the southern border. A majority of the American public disapproves of the job of the president, and many continue to question his cognitive stability.

On the international level, Biden orchestrated a foreign policy blunder in Afghanistan early in his term during the summer of 2021. Often appearing as feckless and unimposing, foreign adversaries of the United States have taken increasingly assertive positions in global politics. China continues to threaten U.S. dominance in the pacific and has repeatedly issued provocative statements respecting the sovereignty of Taiwan. North Korea recently fired simulated nuclear missiles in a test action against South Korea. But perhaps the biggest shortcoming of Biden and proof of his administration’s weakness is the ongoing war in Ukraine, a conflict which could have been prevented with strong executive leadership. In a recent development, a human trafficking operation was uncovered which reportedly had been organized to supplement the strength of the Russian military. All the way in the distant Caribbean region in the nation of Cuba, the island country uncovered a human trafficking ring which attempted to recruit native Cubans to fight for Russia in the Ukrainian war. In an official press release, the Cuban foreign ministry stated that officials were taking actions to dismantle the network, which operated in Cuba and Russia.

It appears children in the United States are in danger, not just from the possibility of human trafficking but also in some cases due to poor living conditions. In a recent report it is believed that some 68% of children in Chicago have been exposed to lead. Things are truly problematic in the United States and abroad elsewhere.