Another American Tourist Killed in Elephant Attack in Zambia

According to authorities in Zambia, an elephant recently crushed and killed a woman from New Mexico who was on vacation there. It was the country’s second bull elephant attack this year.

Juliana Gle Tourneau (64) was killed in Livingstone, Zambia, on June 21st, when an elephant from the herd the visitors were observing attacked their vehicle. The elephant knocked Tourneau out of the car and crushed her with its feet.

Tourneau and her group stopped at the Maramba Cultural Bridge because of the congestion caused by an elephant herd in the area, according to Southern Province Police Commissioner Auxensio Daka,

Following the March death of another American visitor in Zambia’s Kafue National Park while on a game drive, this is the second incident of its kind this year. The event involved an elephant charging a truck, which caused it to turn over, killing the tourist and injuring five others.

The attack claimed the life of Gail Mattson (79) from Minnesota, according to her family. Rona Wells revealed the untimely death of her mother in a Facebook post, saying that she was on a dream adventure.

Terrifying videos shot on smartphones by tourists recorded the incident. You could see that a huge bull elephant was approaching the car from afar. Though the camera didn’t show anybody inside the vehicle, the people said, “Oh my goodness,” and “It’s coming fast!” as the bull locked its tusks into the car and flipped it over several times. Another voice, perhaps the game warden, tries to ward off the elephant vocally.

At a shoulder height of up to 13 feet and a weight of up to 10.5 tons, male elephants dwarf their female counterparts by a wide margin. 

They dig, forage, and defend with their vast, curving tusks.

The biggest terrestrial creatures on Earth are elephants, which are native to Asia and Africa.