Gen Z Adults Identify As LGBT At Alarming Rate

More than 30% of Gen Z women and over 20% of Gen Z adults now identify as LGBT, according to new Gallup statistics. While 85.6% of respondents identify as straight or heterosexual, the percentage of LGBT adults hit a record high of 7.6% last year.

Almost 30% of the LGBT community identifies as bisexual, and Gen Z women are responsible for the surge in this uptick.

More than half, or 57% of LGBT persons and 4.4% of adults overall, identified as bisexual, making them the biggest LGBT group. After straight people, gay males made up 18.1% of the LGBT community. The percentage of lesbians was 15.1%, while the rate of transgender persons was 11.8%.

A new analysis by PRRI, a nonprofit that studies religion, values, and public policy, revealed that a more significant percentage of individuals in the United States from Generation Z identify as queer, homosexual, bisexual, or lesbian, at 28%, compared to previous generations.

Oversamples of Gen Z adults and teenagers were among the 6,600 persons polled between August 21 and September 15, 2023, with the age range spanning from thirteen to sixty-five.

The survey indicated that more members of Generation Z than any previous generation identified as liberals (43%). Roughly one-third of adult Americans said they were Democrats, Republicans, or Independents. When asked about their political identification, 21% of Generation Z adults were listed as Republican, 30% as Independent, 36% as Democrat, and 13% as other.

Additional questions were posed concerning generational shifts and participants’ expectations for the future. Of all respondents, 57% agreed that “We won’t be able to solve the country’s big problems until the older generation no longer holds power.”

However, among individuals from Generation Z, 43% disagreed.

Millennials (54%), Gen Xers (40%), Baby Boomers (33%), and the Silent Generation (26%) agreed with the same statement, although the percentage declined with each successive generation.