Police AFFAIR – Embarrassed Chief QUITS

Paco Balderrama, the Chief of Police for Fresno, California, has tendered his resignation in disgrace over an ongoing investigation into an affair he admitted to carrying on with a member of the public who, though not a cop herself, was married to another police officer in the same department.

In a message he sent to fellow officers of the Fresno police force, he said that he regretted the relationship, that his actions did not meet his personal standards for behavior appropriate to a husband, a father, or a Christian.

The relationship began allegedly in 2021 and ended late last year. According to the San Joaquin Valley Sun, allegations have surfaced that Balderrama blocked the promotion of his paramour’s husband because the change in position would have allowed the husband greater flexibility with his scheduling, which would have made the affair more difficult to manage.

This allegation was disputed, however, by Georgeane White, the City Manager of Fresno.

According to KMPH-TV, while White declined to release details of the allegations faced by Balderrama, she did say that the allegation of career interference was not substantiated, while other evidence indicating that the allegation was false has been brought before the commission. Nonetheless, she condemned Balderrama’s conduct with regards to his romantic life as indefensible and unjustifiable, falling below the standards that the City demands of its Police Chief.

On the other hand, Brian Whelan, the wronged husband’s legal representative, accused the city of spinning the facts and misrepresenting reality with regards to the months-long effort he and his clients have mounted to attempt to get satisfaction from Balderrama, whom they allege breached a promise to award the wronged husband with the position he was blocked from.

It is this violation of ethics and professional standards, Whelan alleges, rather than the affair itself, that actually prompted Balderrama to resign his post.

In a statement to reporters prior to his resignation, Balderrama said that he is very proud of his family, and grateful for the forgiveness he’s received from them.